University Partnerships
At South Thornlie Primary School we value our parent participation and feedback. This indicates the close connections the school has established are displays they are highly valued.
The aim is to further develop a positive, integrated relationship between home and school environments for students and parents. An increase in frequent and high-quality interactions amongst teachers and parents can help establish better trust and respect.
Please view our Positive Prent Praise below.
South Thornlie Primary School offer free services provided through our University Partnerships in the follwing areas for students and their parents.
- Social Work - Focuses on resilience, self-esteem, capacity and life skills aswell as behaviour management tools to use at home and behaviour managements workshops for parents,
- Councelling - The councelling services at STPS are currently engaging in one to tone, small groiup and parent councelling.We employ a range of tools including art, music, cooking, sensory theraphy and outdoor activities.
If you are interested in accessing any of these services, pleasee see your class teacher or contact the Principal 9232 3600.
School Policies
Find out more about South Thornlie's school policies.
Term Dates
View our school term dates
2024 Term 3 Planner
The latest school term planner document can be downloaded below.
Crunch & Sip
The Crunch & Sip program is an easy way to help kids stay healthy and happy!