Payments and Donations
There are 3 options to make payments or donations to the School.
Direct Deposit
When making a direct deposit payment to the school, please use the account details as shown below.
Bank: ANZ
Account Name: South Thornlie Primary School
BSB: 016-002
Account N0: 198966272.
Reference: Child’s Surname / Room / Code
Example: Smith 9 SC
Email receipt to
Cash payments
Cash payments must be placed in an envelope stating your child’s name, purpose of payment, payment amount, Room Number and class teacher.
Eftpos payment can be made at the front office or over the phone. Please call 9232 3600.
Donations to the School - Payments can be received with any of the above preferred methods. Reference - Surname - Don (for donation)

Term Dates
View our school term dates
SMS Messaging
SMS communications for student absenses and late arrivals.
View photos from our recent school activities.
Uniform Shop
The Uniform Shop is run by the school office. Uniforms can be purchase everyday between 8am - 2.45pm.
2024 Term 4 Planner
The latest school term planner document can be downloaded below.