Year 6 Transition Program
The transition from primary to secondary school is a significant step in a child’s education and Thornlie Senior High School make every effort to ensure the transition is seamless and as smooth as possible.
With the aim to ensure that every child reaches their full potential in a caring, safe and supportive learning environment. Thornlie Senior High School provide Parent Information Evenings, Orientation Days and Parent Tours.
See the brochure for information regarding Student Attendance.
High School
In order to facilitate a smoth transition from primary school into high school, find out about Thornlie Senior High School.
High School Enrolment Information
Thornlie Senior High School Enrolment Criteria
High School Specialist Areas
Specialist Programs give children real-world skills and a head start in reaching their career goals.
2024 Term 3 Planner
The latest school term planner document can be downloaded below.