As President of the Parent Association, it is my pleasure to welcome you back to our wonderful school community. I would like to also warmly welcome all the NEW families to South Thornlie PS and I hope you are settling in well. We are looking forward to a great year filled with fantastic fundraising events, social and community building activities and most importantly, supporting our children and teachers so that they can continue to strive for such excellence.
The primary way to make this the best year for your family and our community is to join the Parent Association. This is your chance to become a member of a welcoming and supportive group of parents that helps to fund many of the extra enhancements your children enjoy at school.
Each year the Parent Association is able to contribute an amount of funds directly to the school. These funds have been used to enhance your children’s learning experiences. When you join the Parent Association, you are not required to attend all the meetings, you can be involved in a variety of ways, for as much or as little time as you like, finding the perfect balance for your family. There are opportunities in events, sponsorship and donations, social and community connections, school banking and even graphic design!
It has been proven that a child whose parents are involved in his or her education and school experiences are more successful. By joining the Parent Association there is no better way to get connected to the school community. Find out what is happening at school, meet other parents and teachers, build rapport, share new ideas, concerns and experiences. By volunteering you can put your skills, hobbies and interest to work!
It has been said that the number one reason people don’t join the Parent Association is because no one asked.... So here I am, asking you to join. And asking you to encourage your friends to come along too!
If you are interested in joining the Parent Association, or have some skills, interests or hobbies that you think you can offer us, please contact our P&C President Nicole Paton. Email stps.president@gmail.com
We look forward to having you join us!
Nicole Paton
South Thornlie Primary School Parents and Citizens

School Board Parent Introduction Letter
Our School Board is comprised of parent representatives, community representatives and staff representatives.
School Board Members
Our School Board is comprised of parent representatives, community representatives and staff representatives.
Code of Conduct
Staff have a shared vision that includes discussing ideas and reflection in a positive manner with priorities placed on the needs of the students and school.