High School Enrolment Information
Thornlie Senior High School Enrolment Criteria
All applications for Thornlie Senior High School received from within our local intake area, together with successful applications from the Specialist Rugby Program will be approved and processed.
Applications from parents/guardians outside our local intake area are considered with the number being determined by the school’s capacity to accommodate further enrolments based on the following criteria:
- First priority is given to a child who has siblings also enrolled at Thornlie Senior High School, but not those siblings enrolled in special programs from outside the local intake area.
- A second priority is given to a child who lives nearest to Thornlie Senior High School with the distance being measured in a straight line on a horizontal plane.
Thornlie Senior High School enrols students at all Year levels 7 – 12.
More information and enrolment application forms can be found on the South Thornlie High School website:

High School Enrolment Information
Thornlie Senior High School Enrolment Criteria
High School Specialist Areas
Specialist Programs give children real-world skills and a head start in reaching their career goals.
Transition Program for Year 6
The transition from primary to secondary school is a significant step in a child’s education.
School Policies
Find out more about South Thornlie's school policies.