Parent Communication & Engagement


The school uses a range of strategies to communicate, connect, inform and gain feedback from parents and the broader community.

South Thornlie PS has a fortnightly newsletter which is electronically emailed to parents/carers and also can collected from the school office if a hard copy is required.  The newsletter can also be found on our school webpage under the news section. Newsletters will provide parents and carers information for involvement and school activities.

South Thornlie PS upload notices for Parents/Caregivers to refer to.  It is a great reference for previous notes that have been sent home also. You will be sent a registeration link after enrolling with us and from there you can log in and view all the latest news and contect.


Our school webpage provides a wide variety of information regarding our school. 

Our school Instagram page souththornlieps has activites that our students have been doing.

Follow our school on facebook South Thornlie Primary School to see what's been happening around our school.

Term Planners
These are provided to families at the start of each terms showing upcoming events.

SMS System - Spacetalk for Schools
This is a Departmental SMS form of communication, which allows parents to connect directly with the school via a mobile number.
As parents you can now send messages to advise the school that your child is arriving late or if they are absent or unwell.
• The number you need to use is 0438 579 518
Our school will communicate with parents individually, class groups or send whole school messages. These may include student absences or concerns, event reminders, award recipients, community concerns, special events or date/times changes.

Seesaw is a platform for student engagement. Teachers can empower students to create, reflect, share, and collaborate. Students “show what they know” using photos, videos, drawings, text, PDFs, and links. It’s simple to get student work in one place and share with families, and nothing is shared without teacher approval.


Parent Engagement

Parent Survey
Parents and Carers can complete a survey each year which will provide feedback on school process and programs.  This information will be shared with the Parents/Carers and School Board.

Open Night
Our school has an open night yearly where Parents/Carers can come and have a look at what the students have been doing in the classroom.

Special Events
The school holds many special events. Harmony Day, NAIDOC Day, Edu Dance, Sports Carnivals, Assemblies, Anzac Day Celebration. There are also outside school activities such as Art Master Class, Robotics Club and Lego Club.